
Do These New-Age Medical Clinics Have The Key To Living A Longer Life?

A growing number of these expensive facilities are popping up nationwide. Do These New-Age Medical Clinics Have The Key To Living A Longer Life? Giphy

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With the exception of a slight pandemic-era dip, the average life expectancy of a typical American has steadily increased for generations. Medical breakthroughs and broader access to safe food have contributed to this trend, but humans still naturally want to maximize the number of healthy years in their lives.

And a growing number of them are plopping down big bucks in hopes of achieving that goal.

Introducing the “longevity clinic”

It’s a relatively new pursuit within the healthcare realm, but the aim of longevity clinics is the same as countless programs that came before it. From supposed miracle creams to dietary supplements to relaxation spas, plenty of businesses have catered to their clients’ desire to feel young and healthy for as long as possible.

Then, about a decade ago, biochemist J. Craig Venter embarked on a novel mission and opened up Human Longevity in San Diego, California. It was the first clinic of its kind and turned traditional medicine on its head by assessing future health risks instead of treating existing illnesses.

As Venter explained: “You can exercise, you can eat a healthy diet, but I contend you could eat 10 pounds of kale a day and still have a tumor that you don’t know about.”

How much is the knowledge worth?

Human Longevity sparked a slew of similar clinics that have popped up across the U.S. and around the world. While they’re not all the same, most focus on issues like genetics, physical fitness, blood tests, gut health, and other metrics.

An initial exam can take up to eight hours and can cost tens of thousands of dollars. But if you’re among the many clients who discover a serious issue that wouldn’t have shown up otherwise, that could be a small price to pay for your health.

Chris Agee
Chris Agee May 9th, 2024
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