
Scientists Warn This Dangerous Worm Could Kill Your Dog

The risk is currently highest in areas along the Colorado River. Scientists Warn This Dangerous Worm Could Kill Your Dog Giphy

Introducing a new pet to the family can be a source of great joy, but it also requires vigilance to protect that animal from possible threats. And now there’s a new issue that experts in Southern California say dog owners need to be aware of.

A potentially deadly parasite

According to reports, there has been an uptick in the number of flatworms known as “liver flukes” long the Colorado River. While they’re not a major threat to humans, they can cause big problems for dogs and other pets.

The specific parasite has the scientific name Heterobilharzia americana and generally burrows into hosts (most commonly raccoons) after first infecting a snail. But they’ve also been known to infect larger animals including horses.

When it comes to dogs, an infection can result in schistosomiasis. After the worm lays eggs, they begin to circulate throughout the animal’s body, causing inflammation along the way. Treatment can be effective, but since the symptoms start off mild it can become a serious or fatal condition before a dog’s owner realizes what’s going on.

Know how to protect your pet

Nematology professor Adler Dillman might specialize in roundworms, but he found an interest in this flatworm and discovered some interesting information about its spread.

“It was kind of like looking for a needle in a haystack, since we were trying to pick up snails that had been infected around three weeks earlier,” he said.

Since the parasites hadn’t been spotted in this area before, locals weren’t prepared — and Dillman said other states (like Nevada, Utah, and Colorado) could soon be affected.

Knowledge is power, though, so if you’re in one of these areas, Dillman advises you “to keep a closer eye on your dog and know what the possible cause is of any illness that pops up.”

Chris Agee
Chris Agee March 15th, 2024
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