
These Pro Sports Teams Are Proof You Can’t Always Buy A Winning Record

Money can do a lot, but it's not everything. These Pro Sports Teams Are Proof You Can’t Always Buy A Winning Record Giphy

Back when the Yankees were in the pennant chase practically every season, a common complaint among critics was that a massive budget allowed the team to essentially “buy” World Series wins. But after a drought of more than a decade and a budget that is still the envy of MLB teams nationwide, it’s clear that money isn’t the only factor in big-league success.

It’s not just baseball

The Bronx Bombers might be one of the most prominent examples, but teams across all the major sports have proven in recent years that, despite having a huge sum of cash to offer talented players, sometimes the wins simply don’t materialize.

  • The Cowboys were knocked out of contention in a devastating loss to the Packers over the weekend.
  • Despite having LeBron’s name on the roster, the Lakers have struggled to keep their record above .500.
  • It’s been a decade since Manchester United has brought home an English Premier League victory.

So what’s the deal?

While it might have been true in previous generations that a massive war chest would generally equate to strong stats, that’s no longer the case in most modern … but the reason can vary from one sport to the next.

For starters, franchises no longer carry the panache that they once did. All other things being equal, many modern players would rather join a plucky team than boast about wearing a Yankees uniform.

Then there’s the impact that number-crunchers have made in optimizing team rosters, which can make an otherwise ordinary squad an impressive number of games.

The MLB has imposed an added “tax” on teams that spend the most cash and the NFL has approved a salary cap, both of which are aimed at leveling the playing field — whether fans and owners like it or not.

Chris Agee
Chris Agee January 18th, 2024
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