
Encouraging Signs That The Writers’ Strike Might Soon Be Ending

The picketing is over but a deal isn't official just yet. Encouraging Signs That The Writers’ Strike Might Soon Be Ending Shutterstock

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Whether you’re anxious for your favorite shows to return, interested in Hollywood writers fairly compensated, or both, you’re likely paying attention to the state of an ongoing strike. This week, we got a glimmer of hope that the unions and production companies could be close to reaching a deal that would bring an end to the stalemate.

What’s going on?

The Writers Guild of America and representatives for entertainment companies reportedly arrived at a tentative agreement that both sides seemed cautiously optimistic would end the strike.

Here’s what we know so far:

  • The deal came after five straight days of intense negotiations.
  • Most of the writers’ demands about royalty payments were met.
  • AI use was a trickier subject, but it’s addressed in the deal.

While this agreement was strong enough for the WGA to call off any further picketing, it’s not official and the writers aren’t yet back to work.

But in an email to its roughly 11,000 members, the union called the agreement “exceptional — with meaningful gains and protections for writers in every sector of the membership.”

What happens next?

If all goes according to plan, both sides will sign the terms for a new contract and writers will be able to resume their work after a whopping 146 days on the picket lines.

Different boards within the WGA are expected to meet today and decide whether they’ll vote in favor of the agreement. If they approve of the deal, the strike could be called off even before individual members vote on the matter.

But there’s a major caveat.

As it stands, there’s no one to bring their scripts to life. That’s because SAG-AFTRA, the union representing Hollywood actors, remains embroiled in a strike of its own.

Writers are now encouraged to join actors on the picket line.

Chris Agee
Chris Agee September 26th, 2023
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